(Can You Feel My Heart -- Bring Me the Horizon)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pissing and banana bread.

My mom just made banana bread.
It smells so fucking good.
But... I sort of don't want any.
More like, I don't need any.

Dude, my mom's sort of off her rocker.
I understand why I'm a little fucked up in the head watching her right now. xD
She's cleaning the top of the cupboards in our kitchen; so, she's all walking around on the counter and stuff.
...Her foot's nearly in the sink right now.
Ha. Well, if you're going to clean the kitchen, you gotta do it right I guess.

I have to piiissss. Dude, not cool.
I just pissed water. Bleh.

I think I drank my weight in water -in oz- yesterday.
Hopefully even more than that today.

I've realized something lately.
I don't like talking about shit like weight and food and shtuff on here, even though that's basically the whole reason I started this blog.
I don't really know how to explain why.

Latuhz, loveliez.

*Comment replies

LOL. My friend's boyfriend is exactly like that. It's aggravating.
-Slips off to Google to find the definition of endearing...- OH. Ha, okai. Awesome. :3

Yeah, it's weird. I've basically got my own language going on though, so I wouldn't be surprised if people from everywhere had difficulty understanding me. xD
Ohh... I think I'm just so biased against bisexuality because so many people are faking it now-a-days; like one of my friends, who is basically only "bi" when she's around certain people.
Haha, thanks, tell that to my mom. ;P
< 3

Like I said to Dont_Judge_Me ^^^, I'm just tweaked about all this sexual orientation stuff because there's so many people pretending and all that...
And I was honestly curious about what different people would do and all that.
...How/why would you write a paper for Math?  Now I'm confused again! xD


  1. I love banana bread, but I'm the only one in the house who doesn't ruin it when they bake it so it's never around lol. Your mom sounds like me, I'm always climbing up on counters and such to clean.

  2. lol i love how you phrase things!!
